DC’s Damsels Intertwined — (Who would Ivy choose ?)

The night was alive with the whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves as Poison Ivy found herself standing before the letter left by Harley Quinn. Her heart beat a little faster as she read the words penned with an honesty she hadn’t expected from the unpredictable rogue.

As Ivy’s emerald eyes moved over the pages, she felt a twinge of unexpected sympathy and connection. The words spoke of desires for understanding, growth, and a shared journey of self-discovery. It was a side of Harley that Ivy had glimpsed before but had never truly grasped.

Ivy’s thoughts swirled like leaves caught in a gentle gust. The complexity of emotions within her seemed to mirror the intricate maze of vines she often tended to. She admired the vulnerability Harley had displayed, realizing that behind the chaos and laughter was a woman yearning for something more profound.

A decision formed in Ivy’s mind — a decision that would be true to her own nature and the connections she held dear. Guided by a newfound clarity, Ivy sought out Catwoman, finding her perched upon a rooftop overlooking the city’s skyline.

“Catwoman,” Ivy’s voice was calm, her gaze steady, “there’s something I must discuss.”

Catwoman turned to Ivy, her gaze curious yet open. “Ivy, what’s on your mind?”

Ivy took a breath, her thoughts gathered like petals falling into place. “I’ve spent my life nurturing connections with the green world, with creatures, and with you,” she gestured towards Catwoman, “but I’ve often overlooked the complexity of human emotions.”

Catwoman nodded, sensing the gravity of Ivy’s words. “Go on.”

“I received a letter from Harley Quinn,” Ivy admitted. “It surprised me, not because of the source, but because of the honesty and vulnerability it held. It made me reflect on the connections we share and the potential for growth and understanding.”

Catwoman’s eyes glinted with recognition. “Harley has been on her own journey, it seems.”

Ivy nodded. “Indeed. Just as you and I have our own complex connection, I believe there’s more to Harley than we’ve acknowledged.”

Catwoman smiled softly, a realization dawning within her. “You’re saying we should give her a chance?”

Ivy’s lips curved into a thoughtful smile. “Yes. Let us embrace the unpredictability of Gotham and of our own hearts. Let’s see where this path might lead — whether it’s embracing new friendships, navigating unexpected emotions, or discovering hidden depths.”

Catwoman’s hand found Ivy’s, their fingers entwining like vines. “I’ve always admired your insight, Ivy. Let’s give it a try.”

As they stood there, the city’s heartbeat pulsating around them, Poison Ivy and Catwoman embarked on a new chapter. Their connection, already complex and multifaceted, was about to be woven with the threads of Harley Quinn’s own journey of self-discovery. And in the heart of Gotham, where chaos and growth coexisted, the three women’s paths converged, each ready to navigate the twists and turns of their intertwined destinies.

As days turned into nights and Gotham’s enigmatic currents continued to weave the destinies of Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn, Harley found herself in a state of internal turmoil. The vulnerability she had exposed through her letter had ignited a storm of emotions within her, ones she had spent years suppressing.

In the heart of her lair, amidst the graffiti and mementos that reflected her vibrant personality, Harley paced back and forth. The walls seemed to close in around her as she wrestled with her feelings. She was no stranger to chaos, but the chaos within her heart was entirely uncharted territory.

Memories of Ivy’s green eyes, Catwoman’s confident demeanor, and the camaraderie she had shared with them flooded her mind. She realized that her feelings for Poison Ivy ran deeper than she had initially admitted to herself. It wasn’t just admiration; it was a fierce and fiery attraction that set her heart ablaze.

Denial, her old companion, whispered in her ear, urging her to dismiss these emotions as a fleeting infatuation. Yet, as she glanced at a potted plant on her windowsill, she found herself captivated by its delicate beauty, reminding her of Ivy’s allure.

One night, as the moon bathed her lair in a silvery glow, Harley sat down with her journal once again. The pages became a canvas for her innermost thoughts, a place where she could explore the depths of her newfound emotions without judgment. The ink flowed as her words revealed the truth she had been avoiding — her feelings for Poison Ivy were undeniable and profound.

With a sigh, she allowed her thoughts to wander, painting a vivid mental picture of Ivy’s alluring figure, the way her eyes held a hint of mystery, and the softness she rarely displayed to the world. It was a sensual tapestry of desires she had kept locked away, even from herself.

As the ink dried on the pages, Harley realized that denying herself these feelings was an exercise in futility. The chaos within her heart matched the chaos of Gotham, and just like the city, her emotions were as enigmatic as they were unpredictable.

With newfound determination, Harley Quinn stood up and cast a glance at a nearby mirror. Her reflection stared back, a complex woman filled with vibrancy, contradictions, and now, an undeniable sensuality. As she looked into her own eyes, she made a decision — to embrace the chaos of her feelings, to confront the desires that had lain dormant for too long, and to navigate the storm of her heart with the same audacity she approached every challenge.

With a mischievous smile, she donned her signature outfit, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The night was young, and Gotham was waiting. But more than that, Poison Ivy was a presence she could no longer deny — an intoxicating force that had rooted itself deep within her heart, defying even her most unpredictable inclinations.



Shreya Mitra-Cloud/Electronics/Software Engr

An Engineer with a masters degree in E&I , trying to meddle with various topics and keeping myself informed MBA@WHU | Columbia Business school